RSA - Response Surface Analysis
Advanced response surface analysis. The main function RSA computes and compares several nested polynomial regression models (full second- or third-order polynomial, shifted and rotated squared difference model, rising ridge surfaces, basic squared difference model, asymmetric or level-dependent congruence effect models). The package provides plotting functions for 3d wireframe surfaces, interactive 3d plots, and contour plots. Calculates many surface parameters (a1 to a5, principal axes, stationary point, eigenvalues) and provides standard, robust, or bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals for them.
Last updated 11 months ago
6.30 score 17 stars 1 dependents 26 scripts 445 downloadsfSRM - Social Relations Analyses with Roles ("Family SRM")
Social Relations Analysis with roles ("Family SRM") are computed, using a structural equation modeling approach. Groups ranging from three members up to an unlimited number of members are supported and the mean structure can be computed. Means and variances can be compared between different groups of families and between roles.
Last updated 4 years ago
1.04 score 11 scripts 274 downloads